Monday, June 1, 2015

To Don Plusquellic, buon viaggio!

OK.  The deed is done.  Don Plusquellic retires.  Garry Moneypenny ready to inspire as his successor. The story has been told so many times that there's little for me to add, other than if a Martian landed in our front yard asking to be led to the Akron mayor, I would give the visitor Plusquellic's name. My error from 28 years of covering him from Day One.  It's so hard to break the habit.

So now the Democrats behind Moneypenny must find a way to keep him in the office to spare the city of a frightful assault that could produce a new threat in the party's primary, as well as the tipping of a warring faction on City Council to give it the majority.

For now, however, time to take a breath and say to the former mayor, buon viaggio, Don. Thanks for leaving the city in  much better shape than you found it.

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