Tuesday, January 15, 2013

For Browns: All night games good for business

BujtAfter a wild weekend of Browns' screamers  on the front pages of our home-delivered newspapers, I figured we might now get back to Kim Kardashian or the latest word  on the despair of the Global Awards losers.  Even an update on the birthers' plans to impeach President Obama on an otherwise slim news day might suffice.

Instead, my morning coffee dripped over the Beacon Journal's momentous account  of a forthcoming name change for Browns Stadium to FirstEnergyCorp. something-or-other now that the giant energy provider bought the naming rights. (Since I'm billed each month by the company, I can now boast of having a minuscule stake in the stadium.)

Meantime, I'm told it hasn't taken long for some  FirstEnergy wags to name the company - "Brown out Stadium".   Honest.

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